Tech Girls Canada Portraits of Strength (Q+A)

I was thrilled to be featured in Tech Girls Canada who often features women in STEM who have helped break barriers and achieved great things within their industry.


They asked me to answer a few question to help inspire other women in STEM:

I am a tech evangelist and community builder

When I was 10 I wanted to grow up to own my own business.

I work as a community and campaign manager helping teach web literacy at Mozilla

I am proud of surrounding myself with great mentors, organizations and communities who have all contributed to my personal and professional growth. I’ve always been eager to meet new people and get involved in various leadership, technology and education opportunities. I’ve learned a lot along the way!

The biggest obstacle I have faced is finding my voice and understanding where I can have the biggest impact. I want to help make the world a better place but knowing how was always a hard first step.

My advice to women is to get involved! The only way we can change the future landscape of technology for women is to start now by empowering, teaching and learning from each other. There are countless ways in which we can work together to help inspire other females. Remember: if we want change, it’s up to us.


Published by amiradhalla

I'm an explorer with big dreams who likes to teach and learn wherever I go. I'm passionate about protecting the web, creating change for social good, learning through making, standing up for gender inequality, learning different cultures, and traveling the world so I can eat all that is good in it. I'm currently working at Mozilla engaging individuals, communities and organizations around the world to #teachtheweb so we can turn the average web consumer into an empowered web maker.

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